The Fish Crew: Seachem Select Dealer of the Year!
Meet The Fish Crew, 2018 Seachem Select Dealer of the Year!

The Fish Crew are an educated and talented group of fish enthusiasts running one of the finest aquarium stores in the country. They richly deserve to be the Seachem 2018 Select Dealer of the Year! We reached out to The Fish Crew for a store biography, and they came through in spades!

“We are an aquarium-only store located in Fort Collins, Colorado. Our dream started about five years ago when Josalyn, the owner, and a couple of fellow fish enthusiasts got together and brainstormed ideas of opening a fish store that truly projected the beauty and excitement of aquariums. We even have a napkin that we saved from that fateful night with scribbled notes and ideas from that very evening. After over a year of hard work, The Fish Crew opened its doors to the public. Now, four years later, we can proudly say our napkin scribbles have matured into a successful reality. It wasn’t long before we became the top aquarium store in Northern Colorado and aspire to soon be the number one aquarium store in the entire state.

A core group of our crew has been working together in the aquatics industry since before the store was even a twinkle in our eyes, and combined we have close to 50 years of aquarium experience. We are all incredibly passionate about the hobby, and we strive to spread this passion to our customers and community by showing them how fun and rewarding aquarium keeping can really be. We have several different display tanks throughout the store, but the most mind blowing of all is our 2,200-gallon saltwater shark tank right that serves as our store centerpiece. It’s easy to tell when people visit us for the first time because their jaw usually drops when they see it.

We work diligently to keep our entire store looking great and are frequently complimented on how well-maintained the display tanks and fish systems are. It takes lots of scrubbing hours, but we know it is well worth it, and this is one quality that we feel sets us apart from other fish stores.

We do our best to carry everything necessary for a freshwater, saltwater, planted or reef set-up. We always go above and beyond expectations to assist and educate our customers, so they can be successful with their own aquariums. Aside from keeping things looking great, our main goal is to make sure all the living inhabitants of each aquarium are healthy and happy. We know how crucial water quality and proper tank husbandry is to be successful, and this of course is where Seachem comes in. We confidently and consistently sell Seachem products because WE KNOW THEY WORK! Currently four of our staff members are Seachem platinum certified, and we hope to increase that number as the years go on.

Lastly, while aquarium health is very important to us, we also care greatly about proliferating knowledge and the well-being of our planet. We are proud to say that we continually raise money for donations to the Coral Restoration Foundation and Mark of the Rhino Expeditions. On a more local scale, we work closely with the Butterfly Pavilion in Denver to help supply them with what they need. Just last month, we held a Seachem sponsored aqua scaping seminar, and every cent of the proceeds our donation jars gathered from that night were donated to the Butterfly Pavilion. As long as we are alive in this industry, we have pledged to continue doing all we can for the betterment of aquatics and nature as a whole and let us tell you we really believe our future is bright.”
If you’re in the area, drop by and pay The Fish Crew a visit!